I've finished coded of a new faucet site script which can fine run on php 5.6 or above and PDO database.I have coded the script in such a way that a good programer can add new feature with script or can update style to better look.Don't edit script until you know what are you doing with script otherwise faucet site will misbehave with users.
Version 1.0
The script Features are-
1. Support all cryptocurrency of faucethub
2. Strong security against Proxy,VPN,TOR And bad IP with help of iphub and .htaccess file
3. Six ads place with one pop ads
4. Multiple pages as Home,Payment Proof,FAQs,News etc
5. Supported Shortlink Verification with api (either a single shortlink verification or back to back two shortlink verification)
6. Search engine friendly
7. Easy admin panel for full control on your faucet
All the other information such as Installation instruction, config instruction etc are added with script's Readme.txt file. So after download and unzipped the zip file,look at Readme.tex file first.
If user of the script have facing any problem such as installation setup etc and need help from me,I'll happily to help him/her.
New Update 19 Dec 2018:
On the new update the Script now support 4 different captcha services (Google recaptcha,Solve media captcha,Rain captcha and Coinhive captcha).Also faucet owner can give option to their site users for claim reward without verify shortlink(s) for some low reward (20% of original reward).
Please note that I've tested the script on Webeyesoft for it's fine working.So I want to suggest to the script's users that use this hosting for the script's site.I'll not responsible for bed behavior of script on other hosting.
Version 2.0
We have upgraded my script to Verison 2.0 on 29 April 2020 with great features.So download my latest updated on GitHub
I've tested the upgrade Verison on 000webhost
Step by step installation and setting guide here
The script is uploaded on github for download.So click on 'Go to Github' link for download the script on guthub site. I've named the script from my blog's URL Script4download ->S blogspot-> B com-> C and on adding letters with Script ->SBCScript .
Go to Github
No more help or support will held on this script after 31 May 2020
Thanku for reading this post...
I've finished coded of a new faucet site script which can fine run on php 5.6 or above and PDO database.I have coded the script in such a way that a good programer can add new feature with script or can update style to better look.Don't edit script until you know what are you doing with script otherwise faucet site will misbehave with users.
Version 1.0
The script Features are-
1. Support all cryptocurrency of faucethub
2. Strong security against Proxy,VPN,TOR And bad IP with help of iphub and .htaccess file
3. Six ads place with one pop ads
4. Multiple pages as Home,Payment Proof,FAQs,News etc
5. Supported Shortlink Verification with api (either a single shortlink verification or back to back two shortlink verification)
6. Search engine friendly
7. Easy admin panel for full control on your faucet
All the other information such as Installation instruction, config instruction etc are added with script's Readme.txt file. So after download and unzipped the zip file,look at Readme.tex file first.
If user of the script have facing any problem such as installation setup etc and need help from me,I'll happily to help him/her.
New Update 19 Dec 2018:
On the new update the Script now support 4 different captcha services (Google recaptcha,Solve media captcha,Rain captcha and Coinhive captcha).Also faucet owner can give option to their site users for claim reward without verify shortlink(s) for some low reward (20% of original reward).
Please note that I've tested the script on Webeyesoft for it's fine working.So I want to suggest to the script's users that use this hosting for the script's site.I'll not responsible for bed behavior of script on other hosting.
Version 2.0
We have upgraded my script to Verison 2.0 on 29 April 2020 with great features.So download my latest updated on GitHub
I've tested the upgrade Verison on 000webhost
Step by step installation and setting guide here
The script is uploaded on github for download.So click on 'Go to Github' link for download the script on guthub site. I've named the script from my blog's URL Script4download ->S blogspot-> B com-> C and on adding letters with Script ->SBCScript .
Go to Github
Thanku for reading this post...
how shortlink works
ReplyDeleteHello shekh Abbas,
DeleteThere are two type of shortlink setting on admin main seeting.On using first type the claimer(site member) will claim reward after verify one shortlink while in the type two the claimer will claim reward after verify back to back two shorylinks.To add shortlink go to shortlink manage page(admin area) and add shortlink service provider site URL and api key.please note you should only add URL without 'https://' or 'http://' and without end '/'. For example suppose you want to add https://example.com/ shortlink service with xxxxxxxxxx api key then you have to add example.com in URL inpute field and xxxxxxxxxx api inpute field. That's it.
do you make costum scripts ?
ReplyDeleteNot sure what do want to know exactly.
DeleteYes this is my first script which 90% coded by myself.I'm not a regular developer but have enough knowledge to create such a simple script.
Внесите пожалуйста itiurl.co в чёрный список! Они блокируют "faucets traffic"..
itiurl.co24 янв. в 22:52
You've made my account (Crypttorg24@yandex.ru) is not available!
You cannot confirm the password recovery link!
hi so sorry we didn't accept faucets traffic
best wishes
hello, I have this error Notice: Undefined index: comsn in /home/cryptoal/public_html/Setting.php on line 93
ReplyDeleteand my faucet is not activated
When you got this error on using the script?
DeleteWhat's URL of your faucet?
I've added two Setting.php files.One in user area and second on admin area.So if you face the error on user area, Make sure you've not edited any sensitive data on Setting.php file.
Hi there i just downloaded your script and tried to install it without any luck. I have followed your readme:
ReplyDelete---> set php to 5.6 and tried above;
---> created database;
---> unziped the file;
---> changed includes and database stuff
---> imported on PHP MyADMIN SQL file to database
Btw im using iphoster.net and domain.pro
can you please help?
No problem what domain you use but you have to use iphub api for stop proxy,VPN ,Tour etc.The script support only iphub service.You have to update database details in two places include/Database.php and config/Database.php .
DeleteI already did it. The only thing i can´t do (because i don´t know where) is to enable curl. Don´t know if it it enabled by default on php 5.6 and above. Still doesn´t work.
DeleteIf Google recaptcha work on your created faucet site it's indicate curl enable on your site.You may also take help of your hosting provider to check it.Next, you have to request from your hosting provider for allow_url_fopen enable (in php INI editor) if you can't perform this action.
DeleteThanks for ur patience. Google recaptcha isn´t working but hosting provider says its all enabled. It must be something else i´m doing wrong... may i contact you by email. Btw i will create several faucets with "tip enabled"
DeleteI think it's better to comments here in the place of personal contact because this discussion will help to other users.
DeletePlease check me your faucet-
Your faucet URL?
You have not edited any curl file?
DeleteNo i´br not edited any curl
Delete the .htaccess file and check again...
Deletedone it, still don´t work
DeleteIt seem that either script not support on your host or there became an error on editing any file.Your may check your errorlog file or take support of your host provider for error reason.The script created and tested on webeyesoft.com for its fine work .
DeleteThanks for your patience. Since you said to check errorlog (never did it) i realize that it was a newbie error... I had files into public_html->SBCscript->public and just moves all files to public_html and now its working....
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletei need the new update with the shortlink fixed
ReplyDeleteHello Ranks Stosic,thanku for comment here.
DeleteSorry!I'm not going to update in short link file.but here are some tips for better use this script-
There are maximum short link service providers accept unique IP user on 24 hours.So in this script add short link of these type service providers as 'No' priority.
While some short link service providers accept 2 or more times same IP in 24 hours for example tokenfly.pw .So in this script add these types of short link service providers as 'Yes' priority.
The priority option can be set during add a new short link service from admin area.
that is already solved now bro thanks..its black nation
DeleteHello bro this is Black Nation..i would really need your help on integrating the offerwalls..i have already registered with PTCWALL And my website is approved already but i need help to integrate it into the your script..thanks
ReplyDeleteHello Ranka Stosic and welocome again in here.
DeletePTCofferewall is premium version of SBCScript and we offer free this feature only for those people who follow offer.txt file(Add in SBCScript.zip) and create an account on ptcwall.Thanku for understanding...
Hi there, i´ve another question.. how can i change to coinhive or solvemedia? I put the public key and secret key but it remains google recaptcha..
ReplyDeleteIn the start version of script contain only Google recaptcha while on users request I've added three more captcha services coinhive,rain captcha and solvemedia.
DeleteGoogle recaptch can not be disable in the script but another captcha services can be disable or enable.
Hello bro please is there any way you can add shortlink limit to be set manually? please that would be great if you can work on that
DeleteSorry!I'm not going further to update in script.
Hello bro please is there any way you can add shortlink limit to be set manually? please that would be great if you can work on that? Please upgrade your script . Thank you
ReplyDeleteHow to disable CoinHive Miner?
ReplyDeleteHello FIFA,
DeleteSince we've stopped working on this script so I'm sorry for any further support...
My admin panel not loading after click any button in admin page
ReplyDeleteAlso i got error 500 when i load my site
ReplyDeleteOn users request,I've upgrade my script and uploaded on GitHub. So please Download latest upload.Step by step guide for installation and setting visit the bottom link...
ReplyDeletesbcscript.sql has an error in the settings section, I can't explain it more clearly, I'm not very good with mysql, but you will find this error when you import the sql file in phpmyadmin.
DeleteHello, Since sbcscript.sql file is exported online using 000webhost so it's not possible of any error in file.The error may be the reason of host limit service restrictions where you import the file.please check the file for 000webhost...
DeleteYou're right, it works on 000webhost, but not on namecheap. I do not understand why
Deletehello, i dont wanna to use adfly link. how to custom this?
ReplyDeleteHello Son of Marlie,
DeleteIn the script I've add adfly link feature for gain power of earn for site owner.In the feature faucet user have to verify adfly link only for 5 second and after then have to click 'SKIP' button to continue redirect to original shortlink.
http://payutoshi.cf/ my website and this is what happened
ReplyDeleteConnection failed SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] No such file or directory
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function prepare() on null in /home/vol3_2/epizy.com/epiz_27731098/htdocs/lib/Setting.php:8 Stack trace: #0 /home/vol3_2/epizy.com/epiz_27731098/htdocs/index.php(7): include_once() #1 {main} thrown in /home/vol3_2/epizy.com/epiz_27731098/htdocs/lib/Setting.php on line 8
Connection failed SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] No such file or directory
Connection failed SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] No such file or directory
pls help me
please help me
DeleteAfter I upload files to my hosting provider and modify the files with the database name, user and pass, I can't access the website, I get error 500. Does anyone have this problem ? Which link should I access to do the settings for the faucet ?
ReplyDeleteHello, I Have a PTC website and I want to add shortlinks to my website. Can you help me with that?